At the WEA (World ECS Academy), we offer a comprehensive range of specialized training services designed to develop self-defense skills and enhance security efficiency. Our services include:
Specialized Training Programs
We offer training programs for security personnel in various fields, focusing on raising the level of professionalism in security work.
Internationally Recognized Certificates
We award internationally recognized certificates in practical self-defense, close quartre combat and ECS to ensure the quality of training.
International Black Belt Certificates
We award international black belt certificates to those who demonstrate advanced training skills.
Instructor License
We provide accredited training permits for trainers, instructors, and lecturers in the field of ECS and self-defense.
Close Protection Techniques
We offer advanced training in protection techniques inside and outside vehicles, and in various locations to ensure personal safety.
Customized Fitness Programs
We design training programs to improve physical fitness and achieve optimal physical performance, enhancing the ability to confront various situations.
We strive to provide a safe and professional training environment that contributes to developing the capabilities of individuals and groups in the field of self-defense, ensuring high-level protection in all circumstances.